Characterization of magnetic cores is an indispensable task in order to securely accomplish the requirements of a power electronic design and prevent failures. The hysteresis cycle of the material is one of the more complex features to characterize due to the well-known nonlinear and memory effects; moreover, there is a less known but noticeable dependence of the B-H relationship with time. This curve is easily obtained at low frequencies (up to 10 kHz) by means of a well-known traditional method. However, there is a major obstacle when trying to operate at higher frequencies in this manner due to the cost and difficulty of operation of high-frequency–high-voltage generators. In this paper, a new method for measuring hysteresis based on a quasisinusoidal generator that allows us to reach much higher values in frequency with a simple setup is presented.
Keywords: Ferrites, ferromagnetic materials, frequency response, magnetic field measurement, magnetic hysteres
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 0,572 (2006); 5,600 - Q1 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: February 2006.
Published on-line: January 2006.
B. Tellini, R. Giannetti, G. Robles, S. Lizón-Martínez, New method to characterize magnetic hysteresis in soft ferrites up to high frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Vol. 55, nº. 1, pp. 311 - 315, February 2006. [Online: January 2006]